If you are a parent with an opinion you want considered, or ideas you want taken seriously, stay clear of Livonia Public Schools if you can. But why don't they listen?
Because they consider themselves superior to the parents. They feel they are the educators, and we can't be trusted to know what's best for our kids. They act as if we are children who are misbehaving and need to be put in our place.
Take a look at how they ignore public input. The Legacy Initiative was the biggest example, but hardly the first, or last. What about the superintendent search that was called off so Randy Liepa could be anointed. How about Everyday Math? How about all the unanswered phone calls to transportation when there is a problem with the busses? How about the budget and teacher raises? How about privatization?
The opinion Randy and the old guard have to the ideas of the public can be summed up in a single word.