Take a look at Kwami Kilpatrick's expense reports or Jack Kirksey's LPS "consulting fees", and you can see that taxpayer dollars don't always get spent in the public interest.
Unfortunately, LPS does not seem to be an exception. When the last SEALS contract was ratified, Mrs. Markarian (president of our school board) told us all how she thought it was too generous, but voted for it anyways. What she didn't tell us was that her husband (Eric Markarian) is a member of SEALS. In other words, she was voting money for herself. Apparently, she considers it best to avoid the appearance of impropriety, by making sure you don't know about it.
However, the truth has a way of getting out. When asked why she didn't simply tell the public before the vote, she advised that the district's attorney's told her it wasn't illegal. Hmmm, not exactly a ringing endorsement of transparency and accountability in government.
That brings us to Mr. Markarian's new promotion.
First some background. About a year ago, the board approved a contract with an energy consulting firm to work on ways to reduce the district's energy bill. Part of this arrangement was to create a new position at LPS (energy coordinator). The district set the salary (90k+), and posted the position. Joe Harvey was selected, and has held the position since then.
However, Mr. Harvey is in the Army reserves and has been called up for a 1 year tour of duty in Iraq. Who did Randy Liepa pick for his replacement? Eric Markarian. Husband of Cyndi Markarian. President of the board of education. Gosh, what a coincidence.
Eric now goes from making $23.77 per hour as a custodian, to a salary of more than $90,000 a year coordinating the districts energy usage. This works out to be a nearly $40,000 raise. By comparison, even the highest paid teacher can't reach this level.
Randy Liepa confirmed the promotion, although he stated it had not yet become effective, at the 11/24/08 board of education meeting. But only as a response to audience communication.
So, if this is so above board, why not let the public know? For that matter, when was the board told? Why in the world did it not need the board's approval?
According to Mr. Liepa, Eric had applied when the position was first posted, and was the "next in line". He also assured the audience that "no back room deals had been made". In other words, it's just another coincidence.
By the way, why in the world do we need to pay $90k for a job that can done without a degree, and only requires the experience of a custodian? Couldn't that money have been better spent in the class room?
LPS has suffered under a culture of secrecy for years. Its gotten so bad lately, I'm wondering when they will outlaw the "F word". You know, FOIA. Sorry Randy, but it sure looks like those LPS "back rooms" are getting quite the work out. Who else has been getting preferential treatment? Linda Scheel's daughter in law, while Linda was board president? Gosh, another pesky coincidence.
So, in the immortal words of Mel Brooks, "It's good to be the king".